Privacy Policy

Hope In Yoga is operated by Catherine Watsham and offers yoga, and related services.


Purpose of the policy

The purpose of this privacy notice is to explain how I use the personal data that you provide when you: join my mailing list, or attend my group sessions, workshops or a one to one Yoga Therapy appointment.

Your data is held in accordance with the guiding principles of Yoga which are Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Ahimsa (non-harming) and karma Yoga (selfless service). Therefore, it will only be collected in order to deliver the Yoga services you have requested in a safe and appropriate manner.

I will keep it securely, never share it with anyone without your permission (unless I am legally compelled to do so) and I will use it only for the purpose for which it was provided.

What do I mean by data?

Your contact details, email address, postal address and telephone number.
Details of group sessions you have booked or attended as shown by my registers.
Details of payments you have made for services provided (N.B I do not have access to your bank account or credit card details).
Personal information about your health, lifestyle or attitudes and your personal circumstances, that you provide in the course of Yoga or Yoga Therapy sessions.

How is your data stored?

If you have asked to receive my Mail chimp newsletter, your name and email are stored on the Mailchimp database. If you regularly attend group sessions, your contact details will also be stored for convenience in the address book on my computer and backed up to secure storage in the Cloud. Both are password protected. Group registers are mostly hard copy, but any that are kept electronically are password protected.
If you have completed a health questionnaire it will be kept in hard copy form in my Yoga studio in a locked filing box. If you have supplied the information electronically access will be password protected.

How long is data stored?

Records will be kept for 7 years in accordance with insurance requirements and the Data Protection Act.

Your rights

I will never misuse your information and will remove your details from my mailing list when I am asked to do so (if I make a mistake let me know and I will rectify it immediately)

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These include the right to:

Request access to your personal data
Request correction of your personal data
Object to processing of your personal data
Request restriction of process of your personal data
Request transfer of your personal data
Right to withdraw consent
You can see more about these rights at:

Booking Terms & Conditions

Yoga group/class sessions – you can pay on the day, or you can pre-purchase a set of 6 classes at a reduced rate.

One to Ones – payment must be made in advance. A minimum of 24 hours notice must be given for cancellation of one to one appointments, otherwise a cancellation charge of 100% of the booking fee will apply. If you cancel with more than 24 hours notice and re-book there is no cancellation fee.